A Natural Look

Full Face PMU Course


  • Go at your own pace
  • Let information sink in
  • Video demonstrations
  • Practice tools & Homework
  • Leave comments for us to answer
  • Personal communications with the instructor
  • Receive a Certification of completion
  • Register as a tattoo artist

COURSE (online)

Once you sign up for the Natural Look course from the comfort of your own home you will begin the instructional portion of the course. Each chapter must be studied for a minimum of 6 hours. You may pause the course at any time. It is recommended to take notes as you go through the manual as there are mini tests after every chapter. You will learn about the history, paperwork needed, marketing skills, OSHA, color theory, and application techniques. When the instructional portion is complete you will  move into the homework and hands-on portion of the course. There will be videos and practice tools to hone your skills in becoming a fierce artist.


HANDS ON (online)

(Purchase your machine before, a supply list is provided in your course)

At the end of the instructional portion of the course, you will begin the practice pages and skins, with how-to videos to guide you through every step of the way to your new career. The practice pages and skins will be photographed and turned in to your instructor to be approved. Don't worry if you are having problems your instructor will help you to succeed. Permanent makeup is an art, not a science. You can learn to draw and apply it to the skin. Practice makes perfect!

'Lip Blush"

This is what you can expect in one of our courses.


Create amazing PMU today!


50% Complete

Two Step

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